YCMI Weekly Hour of Fellowship
“Those who worship God “Elohim” worship Him in Spirit and in Truth” – John 4:24.
Christian Counseling Ministry
Join us online for a scheduled Christian Counseling Session. Our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) said, “Come to me all you, that are weary and are carrying a heavy burden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble within my heart (“levav”), and you will find rest for your soul.” Our prayer is that our Lord Yeshua the Christ will uphold you and restore you so you can lift Him before men as He lifts you before the Father.
Go to: Contact Us and submit your information for a free scheduled Christian Counseling session.
Health Ministry

Apostle Peter, in Romans 12: 1, reminds us of the unique nature of our physical being when he said: “I beseech you, therefore, by the mercies of Adonai (God). That you present bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Adonai, which is your reasonable service…”
When you become a part of Yeshua (Jesus) Christian Ministry International, we work with you in building up your physical body using our well developed, evidence-based biblical principals of wholesomeness. Get in touch with us and learn how you can transform your being by renewing your mind.
Never before have young people risen to take on global challenges ranging from climate change to ocean pollution, racism to gun violence. Correspondingly, our youth find traditional Christian worship experience out of step with biblical teachings of tolerance, authentic love, justice, and a sense of belonging.
At YCMI, we commit to using novel technology platforms to reach young people at the online medium where they congregate. One way we aspire to connect with young people is the multi-dimensional platform “Connect -Love” program to promote the Savior’s message of justice, equity, faith, and radical love.
To learn more, about the program and the coordinators, Click go to “Youth Chart Room” (coming soon)

Institute for Biblical Education

The YCMI biblical education series takes the believer through a life long series of sound biblical examination and teaching. The purpose is to equip the faithful for practical faith-building life. Such preparation allows the believer to function in society both as salt and light and rightly dividing the word of God (Elohim).
We have adopted the Christian Leadership Resources “CLR,” produced by Mr. Schneider as a component model for training believers in the knowledge of the word of God. The link above takes a member to the CLR web-page for access to the resources for equipping members in ministry.
Music and Worship Ministry