Yeshua Christian Ministry is a complete (Old and New Testament) bible believing ministry. We proclaim that Yahweh (Elohim, Adonai, Yehovah – “God”) is the author, sovereign, and finisher of all faith. We declare that Yahweh – the Father, is the head of the Trinity in whom abides the Son Yeshua Ha’mashiach (“Jesus Christ”), and the indwelling Holy Spirit. We espouse that those who seek and worship Yahweh and Yeshua “must worship in Spirit and Truth.” We affirm that the name of the begotten Son of Yahweh is Yeshua. “…the only stone which was rejected by the builders, which has become the chief cornerstone” “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:11-12.
Just as the Father – Adonai says, “I have called you by your name; you are mine,” so also those who know and worship the Lord must know His name and declare we are His. – Isaiah 43:1. In recognizing the Son of God by His eternal name, we become the true sheep of His pasture, who hear His voice, and He knows them, and they follow Him – John 10:27-28.
“Live the Love of God [Adonai] – Share the favor of Yeshua [Jesus Christ] – Give the gift of the Holy Spirit“
By faith, we live the love of Elohim “God”; Share the redemptive favor of Yeshua Ha’mashiach “Jesus Christ”; and make disciples by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit (Kodesh Ruach). We aspire to bring the truth of the Word of God to all who do not know Him as He has purposed for the true worshiper to know Him. Through love and fervent prayer, we hope to bring the true knowledge of the Lord and savior to all people. With active love, we teach Scripture consistent with accepted biblical hermeneutics in the context of Hebrew etymology. In this, we are connected to the true narrative of our faith in Yahweh.
We welcome all who, by belief, accept that the Christian faith rests in confessing Yeshua (Jesus Christ) as our Lord and Savior. That knowing who our savior is just as He knows who we are and calls us by our name fulfills the covenant of faith. The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe – Proverbs 18:10. When we acknowledge His eternal name, embrace His heavenly and earthly lineage, adopt His spoken language, and imbue His essence; then, we know what it means to abide in His presence.
- Proclaim to all ends of the earth that Yeshua, the Messiah is the eternal name of the begotten Son of Yahweh.
- Exemplify the radical Love of our savior Yeshua in all aspects of life, serving as light and salt to all creation as stewards bestowed with the obligation to guard His creation.
- To abide in the Word as truth and Life, teaching and serving humanity in the name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach – (Jesus Christ).
Five Fold Core Mission Services
Social conscious movement based on building on the biblical framework of serving our neighbor in times of need. “If you have done for any of these, you have done the same unto me.” – Matthew 25:40
We aspire to accomplish our mission by creating a global free online “Pan-tree” exchange (what the bible calls the storehouse of God.) A network of givers donating to local pantries where members and affiliates receive delivery of food, over-the-counter medicine, and health supplies. Learn More.
Raise funding to build “Guest Housing” or communal lodges to house young people, single mothers, and transition families for a renewable period of three months at cost-affordability levels or non-at-all depending on specific conditions. Residents receive both room and board services for the duration. Learn More.
Virtual skills learning centers in collaboration with industry to equip our members and affiliates to qualify for the technology workforce. Learn More.
To Participate or contribute to our cause, kindly go to our eGive page to contribute as the Lord has purposed for you to serve.
Affiliation: Yeshua Christian Ministry International (YCMI) is a Commonwealth of Virginia registered not for profit ministry and charity organization. YCMI is a US Internal Revenue Tax-exempt under (IRC) Section 501(c)3; Sections 170, 2055, 2016 or 2522 – effective May 21, 2020.
Board of Directors
Board Chair: Mr. Ron Revelle Mrs. Kay O’Banner Eke Mr. James Holden. Jr. Mrs. Elvina Uche Mrs. Melanie Price, Esq. Rev. Dr. Louis Eke – Pastor